First Missionary Baptist Church
192 Seventh Street
Prattville, Alabama 36067

Reverend Fred A. Gray, Pastor
Church: (334) 365-3628   Home: (334) 284-1065
Worship Schedule
Sunday School - 8:00 A.M.
Morning Worship Services - 9:20 A.M.

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Audio Sermons and Worship Service Music

To download a sermon or a song, click on the appropriate link below.

Please be aware audio files will take a long time to download!!!

The download will occur in a separate window or tab so you can continue to view the Website.

Once the item downloads, don't forget to SAVE IT to your disk drive!


"Coming out of the Pit"
Psalm 40:2-3
(mp3 file - 18.3MB)
"Seeking the Savior"
Matthew 2:1-2
(mp3 file - 8.2MB)
"A Fatal Attraction"
Judge 16:4-5
(mp3 file - 22.6MB)


Selection 1
(mp3 file - 2.2MB)
Selection 2
(mp3 file - 2.2MB)
Selection 3
(mp3 file - 2.6MB)
Selection 4
(mp3 file - 2.1MB)
Selection 5
(mp3 file - 1.7MB)
Selection 6
(mp3 file - 3.3MB)
Selection 7
(mp3 file - 2.2MB)

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